Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy
On the outside Agastia is a firm specializing in entertainment well-known for the theme park it operates. However beneath such an exterior lies a monumental secret: Agastia is one of various highly advanced evil organizations that aim for world domination. Despite its true nature the company boasts enticements that make it worthwhile to put up with the work environment. Led by its great...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Fantasy, Romance
Together with his talented aides the Realist Hero Kazuya Souma continues his quest of reinvigorating the Elfrieden Kingdom through administrative reform. Having successfully conquered Van—the capital city of the Principality of Amidonia—Kazuya now faces the envoy from Gran Chaos Empire who wishes to impose punishment for breaching the ban on war established by the Mankind Declaration...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Comedy, Fantasy
Hibino Hareluya is a delinquent teenager who is tough and loves to pack a punch. His father is none other than the almighty God who does not approve very well of his sons rebellious acts. Disappointed in Hareluyas lack of responsibility his father sends him to Earth as a normal high school student stripped of his powers. Posing as a local priest God keeps an eye on his sons adventures as...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Sports
Once called a fallen powerhouse and known as Flightless Crows Karasuno High School has finally taken flight at nationals. With a comprehensive performance against Tsubakihara Academy in their first match the team is now facing its toughest opponent yet: the runners-up of the last Spring Tournament Inarizaki High School. Furthermore dealing with the formidable twin Miya brothers only makes...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Sports
After their triumphant victory over Shiratorizawa Academy the Karasuno High School volleyball team has earned their long-awaited ticket to nationals. As preparations begin genius setter Tobio Kageyama is invited to the All-Japan Youth Training Camp to play alongside fellow nationally recognized players. Meanwhile Kei Tsukishima is invited to a special rookie training camp for first-years...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
After World War III decimated the worlds population and rendered large amounts of land uninhabitable various private military contractors began using combat androids—also known as T-Dolls—to maintain peace in unstable countries. While they are physically superior to flesh-and-blood fighters T-Dolls are incapable of formulating complex plans and thus require a human commander to issue...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
After World War III decimated the worlds population and rendered large amounts of land uninhabitable various private military contractors began using combat androids—also known as T-Dolls—to maintain peace in unstable countries. While they are physically superior to flesh-and-blood fighters T-Dolls are incapable of formulating complex plans and thus require a human commander to issue...
Country: Japan
As a new agency AiRBLUEs roster consists of voice actresses with absolutely no experience. Expecting to hone their skills and build courage at a gradual pace the girls are taken aback when the head of their agency Masaki Ootori announces that they will be partaking in an audition for Bloomball—a popular sports manga receiving an anime adaptation. Despite all odds being stacked against...