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Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Animation, War
The series follows Koko Hekmatyar a young arms dealer who sells weapons under HCLI an international shipping corporation that secretly deals in the arms trade. As one of the companys unofficial weapon dealers she secretly sells weapons in many countries while avoiding the local authorities and law enforcements as most of her work is actually illegal under international law. Traveling with her...
Country: United States
Genre: Drama, Thriller
A Boston detective investigates the mummified remains of six women based on a novel by Lisa...
Country: United States
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance
After she gets pregnant a teenage girl must decide whether she should keep the baby or...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Animation, War
The series follows Koko Hekmatyar a young arms dealer who sells weapons under HCLI an international shipping corporation that secretly deals in the arms trade. As one of the companys unofficial weapon dealers she secretly sells weapons in many countries while avoiding the local authorities and law enforcements as most of her work is actually illegal under international law. Traveling with her...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Historical, Samurai, Seinen, Anime
It was the Sengoku-era when the warlords usurped each other. There was a man whose soul was overtaken by the ways of tea and material greed as he worked his way up toward greater power and status. His name was Sasuke Furuta a subordinate warrior of Nobunaga Oda. With his world broadened by Nobunaga the Genius and his spiritual insight learned from Senno Soueki the Master of Tea Sasuke drove...