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Genre: Action Anime, Comedy Anime, Historical Anime, Samurai Anime, Sci-Fi Anime, Super Power Anime
Hideyoshino is an average girl who always seems to find trouble wherever she goes. One day Hideyoshino visits a local shrine to pray in order to pass her upcoming test. However Hideyoshino sees a blue light coming from inside the Shrine and looks inside to find a mysterious person performing a magic spell. Hideyoshino in a stroke of bad luck trips on a small bell and crashes into the shrine...
Genre: Comedy Anime, OVA Anime, School Anime, Seinen Anime
For the invincible and basically happy punk lads Hiroshi and Toru what they care about every day is to get a lot of attention from girls and to win the fights against the lads from other schools. Whenever provoked they just go out fighting and settle the situation no matter what it...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy Anime, School Anime
The story centers around a lazy girls love for famous literary works along with her bookworm friends. Sawako Miss Bernard Machida wants to be well-versed in literature but she doesnt actually read those books! Encounter various prominent works including the Bible The Tale of the Heike The Great Passage Fermats Last Theorem and more that she hasnt...
Country: Japan
Genre: Animation, Action, Drama
Guts The Black Swordsman is pursued by demons who are attracted to him due to a demonic brand on his neck. His goal is to free himself and his lover Casca of this inescapable curse....
Country: Japan
Genre: Animation, Action, Drama
Guts The Black Swordsman is pursued by demons who are attracted to him due to a demonic brand on his neck. His goal is to free himself and his lover Casca of this inescapable curse....
Genre: Comedy Anime, Seinen Anime, Slice Of Life Anime
This is a story about a little girl who lives in an old house in the mountains. Her name is Bincho-tan. Each episode depicts a day in the life of Bincho-tan as she prepares her breakfast in the morning goes to the forest to gather vegetables does her household chores and rests at night after a days work. She is surrounded by a group of close friends who add color to her ordinary...